<aside> ℹ️ Welcome to the ICP Community 👋

From general ICP enthusiasts to founders, investors, node operators, content creators, we've got a group for you!

The ICP Community is a collection of public as well as private Whatsapp groups designed to foster conversations, collaborations, & connections among like-minded early adopters and innovation leaders within the ICP ecosystem.

Let's explore, learn, and grow together!


<aside> 👉 Join the community!



🌐 ICP General

💡 ICP Founders

🤝 ICP Investors

📣 ICP Content Creators

🛠️ ICP Node Operators

🧑‍🔬 ICP Builders

🇫🇷 C&S at EthCC

General rules

<aside> ℹ️ To ensure a positive experience for everyone, here are a few simple rules:

🗣️ Respectful Communication: Let's ensure our discussions stay polite and respectful. Please avoid any explicit language or offensive comments.

👥 No Spam: Keep our group clean and focused. No irrelevant messages, advertising, solicitation, or spamming, please. However, feel free to share about ICP projects you work on or are even just a fan of!

🚫 No Bullying: We're all about kindness here. Any form of bullying is not tolerated and will result in immediate removal.

📱 No Screenshots: To protect the privacy of our members, please refrain from taking screenshots of our private group discussions. This helps create a safe and trusting environment.

📸 No Inappropriate Content: Let's keep our content appropriate. Anything sexually explicit, violent, or otherwise inappropriate is strictly off-limits.

📵 Stay On Topic: Let's keep our conversations relevant to the group's purpose and ICP related topics/projects.

By sticking to these guidelines, we can maintain a friendly and productive environment for all.

In the end, let's remember to enjoy our journey, have fun and continue building this remarkable community together!


Code & State Links

<aside> 🐦  Twitter


<aside> 📷  Instagram


<aside> 📹  YouTube


<aside> 🐦  Twitter ICP CC


<aside> 🌐  Website
